Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsdale, Alan Alda
This biopic of Howard Hugh's early career is a beautiful and strange piece of cinema. Martin Scorsese is at the peak of his game visually as the film is filled lush and intriguing cinematography. The rest of his direction is not quite up to the level of his masterpieces, however. Scorsese's most recent film, Gangs of New York was another beautiful, albeit flawed film. This film is better. Just as beautiful, but better designed and better acted. Scorsese seems to be at his best when he focuses on the beautiful moments rather than trying to force the moments into a larger plot. This film does that better than Gangs, but not quite up to the level of Goodfellas, or Taxi Driver. There is little larger thematic material in this film. It's simply the story of a strange and brilliant man. Hughs built an empire out of planes and movies. He was a playboy, a test pilot, a businessman, and a freakish recluse all at once. The biggest downside of this film is the pitiful ending. It's wonderful and strange throughout, and then it just suddenly ends on a random note. There is no climax. That makes it difficult to create a story arc, although this one slogs through nicely until that point. Despite its flaws, this is still a very good film. One of the year's best no less.
Standouts: Very good direction with some nice art direction thrown in.
Blowouts: Good, but never seems to come together into anything meaningful.
Grade: A-
Labels: 2004, December 31