Starring: Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Lucy Lui, Daryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, more
I thought that the first part of this story, released last year, was a visually stunning, albeit flawed film. After seeing this excellent conclusion, I understand much better the form and structure of the first half. I also think that the flaws in the design of Kill Bill 1 were greater than I had originally assumed. This movie would have worked much better as a single (although long) film. This second half, as was the first, continued as a series of distinct chapters dedicated to various film styles. While that may not sound like much, it was exceptionally well done throughout. This part of the film was different in one major way, however. While the first film played as one giant series of swordfights, this section had a much more interesting plot, and contained truly exceptional dialog - always a mark of a good Quenton Tarrentino movie. There really was very little fighting in this film. There was however, absolutely electric screen time by David Carradine. How this actor from out of nowhere was so riveting on screen is simply a mystery to me. I've never before been so interested in someone making a sandwich as I was watching Carradine in this film. The downside to this film lay in it's ending. I think that the director missed an excellent opportunity to make an important (and adult) statement against the very notion of revenge. Unfortunately, Quenton Tarrentino must not yet agree with me. Even more unfortunately,the ending didn't even achieve a comic book climax. The director was going for some form of anticlimax I just can't grasp. This is a relatively minor complaint taken against the great success of the rest of the film, however.
Standouts: Unique direction and enjoyable moments.
Blowouts: Worked wonderfully as a visceral excercise, but there's little else to the story.
Grade: A-
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