Starring: Johnny Depp, John Turturo, Maria Bello, Timothy Hutton
Johnny Depp again proves his worth, this time turning a flavorless film into something palatable. What started life as an obvious little Stephen King short story, ended up on screen as an obvious little Stephen King short story - although with a charming and compelling lead character. The plot in a nutshell: Johnny Depp is a writer who's wife has left him for another man ... and then the killings start. If you haven't figured out that Johnny's the one doing the killing in the first 10 minutes, well, I can't help you. This should have been a awful movie, but Mr. Depp, along with John Turturo, as a moderately interesting character creation by the writer, managed to pull this film from the mud and carry it on their shoulders. Moderately enjoyable all told.
Standouts: An all around nice little throw away of a movie.
Blowouts: There was nothing - nothing - extraordinary about this film.
Grade: B-
Labels: July 31 2004
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