Starring: Angelina Jolie
You all remember Daniel Pearl, the poor Wall Street Journal reporter who was grusomely murdered on video by Al Queada supporters in Pakistan. Well, this is the film version. It's a solid enough movie, although in style and form it feels totally derivative of other recent films (from Babel to the Bourne Identity).
Winterbottom shot this film just like Babel, and quite similarly to Paul Greengrass' documentary style. A style which, if you read my Bourne Ultimatum review, I often despise. At the very least I'm getting sick and tired of it. Who would have thought that TV's Law & Order would originate the cinemagraphic style of Hollywood films in our times? There must be a dozen films in the last few years that look and feel like this movie. Quick cut vignettes instead of scenes, non stop plot points instead of characters. Oh well. There is obviously some value to it. Otherwise so many directors would not be doing it. I, well, I am not a fan.
This particular version of the style follows the wife of Daniel Pearl after his capture as she struggles to find him, and eventually loses him. Jolie gives the best performance of her career as a stoic journalist faced with terrible circumstance.
Standouts: Jolie.
Blowouts: Winterbottoms' derivative film style.
Grade: B-
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