Starring: Ensemble incl. Matt Dillon, Don Cheadle, Thandie Newton, more
I think that this broad, vaguely cheesy movie about racism showed some worthwhile ideas on screen. The film portrayed a dozen characters each confronting and practicing racism (like we all do in some way or another). It showed these characters lashing out at others because they have so many other struggles to deal with, and how it’s just easier to lash out. Well, the screenplay has this right in some ways - maybe not without fault, and it’s definitely not a comprehensive study of racism, but it got its little part right. For that I applaud the film. Detractors of the movie will rush to shout down the awful score, the absolutely, unbelievably, unabashedly simple characters, and the absurd coincidences that bring the dozen or so characters of this film together, and they may be right to do so. These were not particularly effective aspects to this film. It’s a pet peeve of mine, however, how critics will particularly ravage an idea that dares to reaches high and may fail in some way. If you dare to attempt to write a screenplay on racism, you damn well better not give us any broad strokes. Well, screw you Mr. or Ms. Cowardly Low Self Esteemed Reviewer. If you can’t handle someone having the balls to tackle a difficult subject and fail then you’d be best to quietly go work in your garden and shut up about art because you don’t have the slightest idea how it works. So yeah, this movie missed in a lot of ways, succeeded in some others, but was pretty much watchable throughout. So, to concisely sum up: Uneven but with some to recommend.
Standouts: Effective acting by Matt Dillon, Thandie Newton, Don Cheadle and others.
Blowouts: Horrible score, silly plot coincidences, and ridiculously broad characters.
Grade: B-
Labels: Drama
I challenge you to watch this movie again. Only this time, do not think about it as a movie about racism, think about it as a movie about the results of handguns in the big city. It will give you a differnet perspective on the film. And it might prove insightful.
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