Starring: Steve Carell, Catherine Keener, Paul Rudd, Seth Rogan
Steve Carell, of The Daily Show ‘fame’, moved into the role of leading man with this comic vehicle of his own construction. It works. It works well. In fact, this was one of the funniest films in recent memory. Oh, it’s not as quotable as Office Space, and not as laugh out loud crowd pleasing as Something About Mary, but it’s certainly a hilarious piece of work. I laughed throughout. I felt good leaving the theater. The script is smart enough to not treat its characters like assholes. Despite being a sex comedy with a nerd for a main character, it’s still a sweet, reaffirming (and funny) story.
Standouts: Steve Carell & Company are simply hilarious.
Blowouts: I can’t think of a single major “failure” in the film.
Grade: A-
Labels: Comedy
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