Starring: Keisha-Castle Hughs, Rawiri Paratene, Vicky Haughton
A supremely sweet and reflective film about the conflicts between conservatism and advancement. It's the story of a young Maori girl battling her culture's (and family's) deep-rooted traditionalism. The film was wonderfully crafted as a contemporary legend, combining the Moari's struggles to rise from current economic and social stagnation with the powerful legendary history of her people. It was thoroughly a joy to watch and was well done in nearly every aspect. The little girl, teenager Keisha Castle-Hughes, gives one of the finer performances I've seen from a child. Most notable, however, was the excellently well-crafted story. This was a little film about a little girl challenging the traditions of a little culture, but it was much more than that. A delightful story, and a delightful film.
Standouts: Story construction. Well done throughout.
Blowouts: Not an awful lot, although the low budget seemingly affected supporting performances, etc.
Grade: A-
Labels: 2003, November 9
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