Starring: Paul Giamatti, Hope Davis, Harey Pekar, Judah Friedlander
When reviewing film there is only one thing I know for certain, and that is the fact that I might get it all wrong. I do go back occassionally, okay rarely, and see if I've changed my mind over time. It turns out that it's actually a fairly rare event for me to mess up too badly. Even if I change my mind on a film, it usually only affects the grade by a step. This surprises me, because there's so much that goes into a film experience. If you feel like crap on a certain day, you may not be in the mood for a comedy. Or conversely, that may be just what you need. Certainly our opinons can change on second viewings. Such was American Splendor.
Now originally I gave this film an A- saying that it didn't live up to the post modern masterpiece title that much criticism lade upon it. I was wrong. This really is a post modern masterpiece. It's that good. Paul Giamatti gave an incredible performance. Hope Davis and others were also extraordinary, but the real star of this film was the script and visual construction by the directors.
The film intercuts interviews and voice-overs of the real life Harvey Pekar with actors portraying his life. Harvey Pekar is a bit of a slacker pseudo intellectual in Cleveland who made a comic book about his dreary slacker life. It turns out that a dreary slacker comic autobiography appealed to a whole lot of dreary psuedo intellectual slackers in our great land. Perhaps I should go pick up a copy? Nonetheless, I hope that this film about a dreary slacking autobiographer appeals to even more folks.
I will say I find it vaguely interesting that Mr. Pekar lives only a few blocks from me, and that Toby Radloff worked with an ex-girlfriend. That adds nothing to the review, but what's more fun than name dropping. Even if they've never met you.
Standouts: Smart, original and well constructed script. Excellent acting.
Blowouts. A little too dreary to enjoy at times. I'm sorry your life sucks quite that badly, Senor Pekar.
Grade: A+
Labels: 2003, September 20
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