Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburn, Carrie-Ann Moss
First and foremost, this first Matrix sequel is a surprisingly beatiful movie to look at. It's stylization, cinematography, set pieces and action sequences are all well done for an action film. Most computer generated effects in movies come across as a bit unreal and out of place. Considering that this entire story revolves around a computer generated universe, the CGI effects in this movie tend to work very well.
The plot and action sequences were marginally successful, but by no means exceptional. There is entertainment value here. In fact, this is a pretty fun film. Oh there are negatives, however. These mainly revolve around the tiresome exposition. Characters tend to drone on and on (and on) about the Matrix and the essessences of their reality. I literally sighed (quite a few times) while these scenes never seemed to end. Yes, this is a silly science-fiction/action movie that took itself entirely too seriously. On one hand, that's vaguely enjoyable on the entertainment level. On another, it's a tad annoying that the film didn't seem to understand what it was all about.
Standouts: Entertainment value, action sequences.
Blowouts: The story thought much too much of itself. I wish it understood it was a silly science fiction/adventure movie.
Grade: C+
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