Starring: Ensemble incl. Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, more
Each year I'm just a little more reluctant to go see the hollywood special-effects spectacles (as opposed to "cinema") in the hot summer months. Oh, I used to love 'em. I still enjoy them on many levels, but I'm just less likely to catch these "event" movies on opening day, and I've even let a few complete their run without seeing them at all. Recently (the last year, or two), there have been signs that things are on the upswing. The monetary success of independent films has pushed studio execs to allow some bits of intelligence into their mass-market fare. Last years SPIDER-MAN was a great example. X-MEN 2 wasn't quite as good as that film, but it was much better than the original X-MEN. I'd describe the plot, but come on, it's a comic book, it's all about teenage alienation. To be sure, there were faults in the plot (Wolverine's search for his roots was pretty poorly written, the life and death choice of a character at the climax of the film just seemed silly and a bit of a non-sequiter), but all in all it was pretty good. I must say that I was entertained throughout this movie, so on that level it did its job. The action and effects were better than the original movie. The character development (while still not great) was improved. As I said, the plot was better developed. Pretty much everything was better. Even Rebecca Romijn-Stamos looked hotter (amazingly). This was a very acceptable summer "event" flick. It fills that place in my movie watching psyche where I sit and enjoy buttery popcorn and then go outside and play softball or something.
Standouts: Comic-book-derived, effects-laden, PG 13-ish entertainment value.
Blowouts: Not much else to it except that entertainment value.
Grade: B-
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