Starring: Don Cheadle, Sophie Okenado, Nick Nolte
I will admit that this film may not be quite so subtle and intriguing as is Sideways. I must admit that this film is discussing a subject 1000 times more important and doing it well. Here is Rwanda, that little African country where 1 million people died because of an arbitrary hatred. I learned in this film that there are Tutsis and there are Hutus, and that there is absolutely no differenence between them. The Belgian colonists arbitrarily picked the most white-like blacks (taller, narrow nosed, fairer), called them Tutsis, and put them in power. Now these two are butchering each other because of this meanlingless separation. Don Cheadle is astounding as a hotel manager who helps save 1000 lives out of a million, but the story is not his, the story is the west's hypocrisy and the Rwandans' genocide. Horrible and enlightening in many ways. For instance, I have a new found respect for the simple soldiers of the UN after this. Facing a mob with a gun in your hand and a battalion at your back and shooting them is one kind of bravery. Facing a mob with a pistol, alone, and trying to diffuse the situation is something much more impressive. Easily one of the best movies of the year, despite some moments that bordered on sappy.
Standouts: An important, yet entertaining story. Don Cheadle is good.
Blowouts: The script went for mass appeal, as such it was dumbed down a little.
Grade: A
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